I'm Dmitry Pavlov
World-class .NET Freelance Contractor
- Age 42
- Experience coding since 2000 - download CV (PDF)
- E-mail me@dmitry-pavlov.com
- Skype pavlovdmitry
- Availability available for hire from DEC 1, 2022
I am a top-notch .NET developer freelancing worldwide. I have been coding for more than 20 years. I mostly deal with ASP.NET Core and Blazor (C#, .NET Core) software development stack these days. I would consider only 100% remote opportunities. I apply SDLC, -ilities, OOAD, SOLID and other engineering kung fu... But always try to use KISS principle. Top 1% on Stack Overflow. Top 3% of Freelance Developers. 9 Microsoft MVP Awards (Developer Technologies). Master Degree in Computer Science. Open source author and 37K+ members community coordinator. Sense of humor adept.
Primary Skills
I write really good code
It's always smart, clear to understand and easy to maintain. My clients call me the Coding Machine. :)